Kunkun walk @Roppongi Art Night in 2018

May 25th and 26th in 2018.

25th (Sat.) 1) 19:00-20:00  /  2) 22:00-23:00  /   3) 24:00-25:00 

26th(Sun) 1)13:00-14:00   /  2) 15:00-16:00

Photo: Shinya Kigure

協力:株式会社そごう・西武主催:インビジブル東京 http://invisible.tokyo



Route 協力:Hills café(start)-event booth(Suntory Hibiki) - Tsumugi project – Starbucks coffee – TSUTAYA ROPPONGI 


The Library of Smell @ Museum Villa Stuck in Munich

HP link:https://thelibraryof-smell.jimdosite.com/workshop/

photo:Barbara Donaubauer 

Kunkun voyage @Setagaya Literature Museum in Tokyo, 2017

October 29,(Sunday) 10:00-15:00

Route: Roka park and Setagaya Literature Museum

Participants: 24

Facilitator: Hisako Inoue

Special guest: Mika Shirasu

Concept: Let's shift from our daily routine of reading books with our eyes and seeing nature, focusing on sense of smell and experiencing the world of that through smells that we have never noticed before, and weaving into words the individual characteristics, imagination, memories, and sensations that each of us feels and recalls.


Kun kun walk @ Yokosuka Art museum

Title: The inclusive program / Kun kun walk@ Yokosuka art museum

Place: Yokosuka art museum and Kannonzaki-park

Date: December 11


Participants:30 (handicap and blind persons)

Facilitator: Hisako Inoue

Staff:Hatsuho Endo,Yuka Michimoto,Yuiko Umibe, Hana Okutani, Yumi Haraikawa, Hisae Inoue, Kazuko Hasumizu, Munehisa Miyahara

Support staff:Tetsuo Takahashi

Education curator: Sawako Tachinami

Workshop items: plastic bottle, kunkun-book, original sticker,


Kunkun walk night @Museum of modern art Saitama(Kaiyu-museum iii) 2016

November 12(Sat.), 1630-18:30

Main spot: Museum of modern art, Saitama

Target areas: Local market streets (北浦和西口商店街)

Participants: 15

Staff: Emi Hayashi, Hatsuho Endo, Sayaka Iijima

Photo: Haruna Shimada


Kun kun walk @Villa waldberta in Munich in2016

Title:Kun kun walk@Villa Waldberta

Place: Villa Waldberta at Felderfing 

Date: October 23rd. Sunday 

Hours: 15-17pm 


Facilitator: Hisako


The empty plastic bottle is important material in my workshop. Anybody knows the shape as common ketchup bottle. In this workshop, using difference, participants collect materials of smell from anywhere into the bottle, as “communication tools.”

 If you participate in this workshop, you pick some tiny piece of plants or flowers up into the bottle, then shaking it like a cocktail, breeding aromas. the next, you check the smells out by yourself. if you don't like any smells, you open the cap, materials put out from the bottle. it is very easy way. As final work, we share with each smell (bottle) one by one. It is always miracle time! Please join us in the wonderful smell world!!




23 Oktober Sonntag

Leere Plastikflaschen sind wichtig für meinen Workshop, das kann z.B. eine ganz normale Ketchup-Flasche sein. In diesem Workshop sollen die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer ganz unterschiedliches Duftmaterial in ihrer Flasche sammeln und als „Kommunikationswerkzeug“ benutzen.

Wenn Sie teilnehmen möchten, einfach ein paar kleine Stücke von Pflanzen, Blumen o.ä. in die Flasche füllen, schütteln wie einen Cocktailshaker, dann die Aromen sich ausbreiten lassen und selbst daran riechen. Wenn Sie den Geruch dann doch nicht mögen, einfach wegschütten, neu füllen. Zuletzt dürfen alle anderen auch bei jeder Flasche riechen. Es ist jedesmal wie ein Wunder! Bitte folgen Sie uns in die fabelhafte Welt des Geruchs!!


Ander Art festival 2016

Sniffing Station (belongs with Villa Waldberta)

Date:September 24th



Special Thanks: Tomohiro Sugimura and Anne Marr

Information flyer

Kun kun walk@ Sasebo Art Project

July 30th, 2016

Time: 9:30-13:00


Target age: Family, 11 year-old

Curated by Sasebo Bunka mans, Sasebo art project

kun kun walk@summer art school (2 days Inclusive program)

July 23 (Sat.) 10:30-12:30@ Kinuta-park in Tokyo

facilitators: Emi Hayashi, Yuka Michimoto, Hatsuho Endo, Sayaka Iijima

July 24(Sun.) 13:30-16:30@ ex-Hikawa-elementary school,Tokyo